Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Andrew's in school!

So Andrew is officially going to school now. His little bus comes and picks him up bright and early at 7:10 am. These are honestly the best pictures we could get. :) So far he seems to be going okay. His first comments from his teacher were kind of funny. "He likes playtime. He likes playing with the horses. He is showing resistance to sitting and working at the table."
Yep, that's Andrew. The bus picture is a good indication of just how early it really is.

Poor Andrew! So tired!

Too tired to even look at the camera.

1 comment:

Dee Wirick Davis said...

I love this boy so much! I hope that he gets the sleep he needs (and you need too) so preschool will be easier for him. I am so proud of how you love and work with him. He is a special little boy that has all his Bomma's love! Bomma

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