Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Update

Apparently I grossed a few people out with my last post. Please was much grosser to deal with than it would have been to read about. I promise you. When you have 3 kids age four and under, sometimes the stories get gross.

So yesterday was an interesting day. I woke up being unable to walk without falling over or running into walls. All I kept thinking was, "I shoulda hadda V-8."

Anyway, my dear husband grabbed me around the waist, and walked me back to bed and kept getting the kids ready. Finally I realized that I would need to get up and get ready for work. So Chris monitored the noise while I took a shower, promising to come in if he heard a thud. :) I drove to school (don't worry, I think it's stupid now), and still was having trouble walking a straight line. Finally, after it was pronounced that my eyes looked weird, I was given a sub, and went home (Chris came and picked me up). I was dizzy and unable to walk well for a whole day. Not fun, let me tell you.

My poor dad had days like that all the time during the last five years of his life. I can't even imagine trying to function with that nearly every day for five years. Doctors never were quite able to tell exactly what was wrong. They kept changing the diagnosis up until he least in regards to his vertigo/dizziness.

Today we've been doing our normal Saturday stuff. Kadee Joy went to ballet and didn't get that great a report on behavior...apparently she likes to do her own thing sometimes. I wish this had been surprising to me, but it sounded all too much like Kadee Joy. She's so her own person, which is fantastic in so many ways and just AGGRAVATING to her poor mother who is such a stick to the rules kind of a person. Ahhh, the stretching that parenthood brings.

We're excited for Thanksgiving next week. We're expecting a fun time with my brother Aaron and his wife Dina, Jason and Kaylene Hoyt, and Chris' brother Rich. I'm very excited to get to see my brother and Dina again. Kadee Joy is also especially thrilled. She adores both of them.

It was a somewhat volatile week at work. The pressures of education and the expectations put on educators are very, very high...and thus everyone's stress levels are following suit, and I'm afraid often turns very stressed people on other very stressed people, which doesn't help.

I had a great turnout from parents for my second grade Thanksgiving program, and the kids were great. Next is Christmas with the third graders. This is generally my busy time of year with programs, but so far it is going fairly smoothly.

That's it for now. I'm hoping the dizziness was temporary. Good day so far today, although I'll confess that I've been watching the new Harry Potter trailer over and over again...I can't wait for July!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steph, I love the new Harry Potter trailer too. It was supposed to be released this month, but the pushed it back. I can't wait.
About your previous post, as a mother I can total relate! It was a GREAT thing that you were there with him. Ethan had a similar experience and went from one end of the house to other screaming he had diahrea and the diahrea was EVERYWEAR!

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