Saturday, September 14, 2013


It seems like using the word "transitions" to describe life during the last few months is ironic considering that we moved to a completely different region of the country the summer before. But, as most people over the age of 22 know, stability in life is more the exception than the rule. And while change is still hard for me, it, as with most things, becomes less distressing as the number of changes increase, and increase with unforeseen blessings beside them.

Shortly after my last blog, we moved into the actual city limits of San Antonio. It has benefitted us for a lot of reasons, but the reason we did it was because God told us to. Again. We'd been told to move to San Antonio in the first place, but had tried New Braunfels for a variety of reasons. It turned out that as far as the reason we'd been called down here (the school for our boys), San Antonio was definitely where we needed to be.

So in June, once our lease was up on our manufactured home, we moved into San Antonio. We also changed churches (a hard change, but one we knew we needed to make), and began getting settled into another new home. It's been a good change. Andrew was able to go to school throughout the summer, since we were now close enough that the drive was doable each day. And since school has started, our morning routine has been much less hectic with no hour long commute to wrestle with. We also are back in a house, which we are able to appreciate so much more after a year in our single wide.

In July we started attending San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene. We're already on the worship team, I have a great Sunday School class, and Chris is doing Junior High Youth group on Sunday afternoons. The fantastic children's ministry realized how hard it was for our boys (especially Andrew) to go from Sunday School, to the music portion of the service with us, and then back to Children's Church, so they just keep them from when we're at worship team practice before church to the end of the worship service. Kadee Joy made friends quickly, and Lukie seems to really enjoy his little class.

All of my family was able to visit at some point during the summer, and I cannot begin to tell you life-giving each of those visits were. I cannot always see how all of us being so spread out works within God's plan, but I know it IS in His plan, and I'm find myself appreciating the times we are together so much more than I might otherwise.

Right after my last blog, Chris injured his back pretty severely at work. So severely, in fact, that he was unable to work during the entire course of the summer. God provided for our needs, as he always does, and towards the end of the summer Chris was hired to teach fourth grade at one of the hundreds of elementary schools in San Antonio. Chris has LOVED his new school, his cooperating teacher, and his staff and students. We are so grateful for God's provision, both of a job, and of the time we got together this summer. God did amazing work in our marriage, and is continuing to show me how wonderful my husband is...and that is all owed to Chris' continuing desire to be utterly and completely God's, and to be obedient daily to what He is calling him to do.

I'm back at my school for the second year, and have already been able to accomplish 200% more this year than I was able to last year, simply by knowing my students, many of their families, and having experienced all the school and district do last year. I've been writing grants like crazy, and have so far received nearly $10,000 in grants for my program. Amazing what a little gumption and the ability to write can do. :) I started teaching guitar to my fourth graders, and have been suprised at how well it's going. I am still incredibly grateful for God placing me where I am, with my team, with my students, with my staff, and with the parents of this community. There are still three parents who volunteer every week to take Andrew to school for me. EVERY WEEK. They bless me and Andrew so much.

Life at school did change slightly because Jeffrey is now at my school! He's in first grade and his transition has been emotionally and physically hassle-free. He LOVES school. And my school loves him. Some of my fifth graders got to know him yesterday morning because their class and Jeffrey's class partner up to have reading buddies. First comment: "We met Jeffrey! He's so cute!" Second comment: "He's got such BIG EYES." Third comment: "He tried to walk out with our class!" The last part was a bit concerning, so I asked for clarification. Turns out that Jeffrey had indeed tried to leave with their class. Silly boy. I told them it must be because he liked them so much. Then I requested that they watch for him and if they see him wandering by himself that they help him get to safety. :)

Kadee Joy is doing SO WELL at my school. Her teacher loves her, and she's been doing much better in the area of personal responsibility. At one point her teacher named her the class fashion queen (not sure how THAT happened), so each morning she carefully picks our her outfit and accessories so that she will not disappoint her teacher. Teachers, don't hand out compliments or statements lightly...the kids SOAK THEM UP.

Luke is back at his daycare, and got back into his routine within a day. It's fun to see how much he's changed just in a few months. He goes to daycare without any tears, and as soon as we steps in joins with whatever his peers are doing...I don't even get a goodbye, and I'm okay with that. Developmentally he still seems to be on track...pointing, lots of words, waving (sometimes), and he's super strong. I broke down and got him vaccinated after an epidemic of whooping cough and measles broke out in the state of Texas. We haven't noticed a change in behavior, so hopefully I didn't make the wrong choice.

And Andrew.

Andrew is where my heart seems to reside more than my other kids. Not that I love them any less, but when he hurts, I could die. And he's been having a rough go of things for a few months. Almost ANY transition results in a heartbreaking plea from Andrew NOT to transition. Not just one request, but minutes and minutes of pleading, crying, clinging to us. If you heard his plea, I think you would die a little too. Every fiber of my being wants to NOT do whatever is causing him pain. And yet I know, I KNOW, that it's what he needs to do. He NEEDS to go to school. He NEEDS to go to church. He NEEDS to be with his peers in Sunday School. Sometimes we NEED to go home, and not stay at Morgan's Wonderland.

And as I write this, I realize once again God is trying to say something to me. As life offers up all of these many transitions, and I am offering up my plea to God to PLEASE not make me do this, He offers back His better than my own wisdom and says YOU NEED to do this. I know better than you, I can see the whole picture, and even though it seems hard, and you don't like change, and would rather just stay as you are, you NEED to trust Me on this and do it anyway.

And so, I'll continue to trust that God knows what He's doing, and that we're right in doing what we're doing, coming to this new place, turning our families worlds upside down, missing friends and family from our life as it was before, because ultimately it will be better for us. Not less painful, not easier, just better. Even in rereading what I've already written, I know that He is already showing me how He cares for us, and how He has already provided for us. And if it seems like I've written this same lesson at the end of every other blog, it's probably because I have to relearn it and remind myself of it daily, sometimes hourly.

He's GOT this. He's GOT Andrew. And in fact, He's had him all along.

“For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:26

"For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess."
Deuteronomy 30:16

1 comment:

Shawna said...

OH, I miss you guys so much. Thanks for sharing your heart! Love you guys.

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