Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Then end of 2008

What a year! After 2007, I expected 2008 to be a breeze...although even with the challenges we've faced, I would definitely still do 2008 over 2007 any day. 2007 sucked. :)

January: On the 23rd, Jeffy was diagnosed with metopic craniosynostis, and Andrew was diagnosed with autism. I still can't believe we did both of those appointments in one day.

February: Jeffy had his ridiculous skull/brain surgery to fix the early fusing of his skull. I remember the tears that came as I passed my little guy off to the surgeons. Healing came quickly after surgery, and he looks fantastic.

March: I think that was an "easy" month? :)

April: I bent down to pick up a clipboard off of my classroom floor and herniated my L5. Ouch! Luckily, my fifth graders were good enough to get help. That was my second ambulance ride of 2008. :)

May: I pretty well finished up my last month of my first year at Iowa Elementary. It was not the easiest of years, but I was definitely blessed to be able to get a job at the school. Great teachers, great staff, great kids.

June: Second honeymoon to Texas! Even better than our first honeymoon.

July: A trip to the Oregon coast, and the celebration of my daughter's 4th birthday.

August: My son Jeff and I celebrated our birthdays on August 8, along with my twin sister. My 7th anniversary hit a few days later, and I am so glad we were able to celebrate it with so much joy. First ever family camping trip at Wallowa Lake..what a blast! And then, the start of my second year at Iowa Elementary. A much smoother start, a much better year so far.

September: Kadee Joy started ballet, and has been so fun to watch as she continues to improve.
October, November: Good months, and Andrew started preschool in November after turning three years old. What a blessing to have him get right into to a great school that he LOVES. We had a visit from my brother and sister-in-law as well, which was fantastic.

December: Jeffy diagnosed with reactive arthritis. He is now responding to the steroids, and is (hopefully) getting closer to walking. We had visits from two different sets of grandmas and one grandpa, and are now getting ready to have some friends over for New Year's Eve.

Thank you Lord for your protection during this year. Thank you for the strength you provide us in times of doubt or fear. And thank you Lord for the plans you have for our lives...So much better than any we could hope for.

May we be used for your good purpose in the coming year.

Happy New Year, everyone!


Dee Wirick Davis said...

It is my prayer that 2009 will be a wonderful year for your family. Happy New Year! I love you. Mom

Sherry said...

I need some tips from you on how to take a picture with three kids! That is a great one!

I love reading your goals and thoughts. Thanks for sharing those, they make me think a little outside the "lose the last 5 lbs." box. :)

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