Saturday, January 31, 2009


That's the most creative title I could come up with. Sorry. :)

This week has been...interesting. I've had a wide range of emotions, some good, some a little discouraging. But I've ended my week feeling positive, and reminded of how much in my life really just depends on my reaction to it.

Andrew got his first progress report. It was very cute. I know that reports aren't usually cute, but his was. He is on target to complete all his goals by the end of the year. Woo-hoo!

I've been hit with how quickly this sweet time in my kids' lives is passing. This wasn't simply something I thought up on my own, of course. I had two or three random people mention to me how they wish they could go back to this time in their own children's lives, when our presence as parents is still welcome and even sought after.

I think I'd like to go on an adventure with my family. It probably couldn't be real far away, or for real long...but still.

And apparently that is all I have to say. :)

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