Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Medical Mystery Tour

Get it? Like the Magical Mystery Tour? Beatles? Anyone? Okay.

So Jeffy has still not been walking, and drags his left leg around pretty much all the time when he crawls. I e-mailed his rheumatologist to let him know that despite 30 days of steroids, Jeffy had not improved. He immediately e-mailed back and said he wanted to see Jeffy ASAP. So we got him in for today.

Sunday morning, Jeffy woke up with both eyes swollen, a fever, and a rash across his nose. All things that can be linked to autoimmune stuff. His eyes got worse over the next two days, and this morning, his left eye was nearly swollen shut. Weird, weird stuff.

So I took him to the doctor, and realized on my way there that the time that had opened up was the exact time of the inauguration. Whatever you voted, I'm sure most would agree that the inauguration today was of huge historical importance, and since I actually voted for now President Obama, I was very sad to have to miss it.

Regardless, I took him in, and our very concerned rheumatologist ordered more bloodwork, another specialist appointment (someone new), and another appointment with our pediatrician to rule out other possible infections.

So we're waiting for the results of the blood work (which, by the way, was a harrowing experience in which the phlebotomist searched with the needle INSIDE Jeffy's arm for one entire minute before actually finding the pain...BRUTAL...AWFUL...still makes me sick), which will hopefully help us figure out why he's not getting better.

In the meantime, our dear boy is very smiley, although very piratey looking with his one eye.

Our insurance has been giving us a few fits as well, and a technicality prevented us from automatically continuing with Medicaid as a supplemental insurance. This is a big deal for all of Andrew's developmental stuff as well as Jeffy's past, current and future medical issues. Hopefully our reapplication will go through without a hitch.

I am still having the chest and arm pains that sent me to the ER, but don't know what to do about it besides take my Advil as needed. It's kind of a pain (literally), but I'm glad it's not an actual big deal.

Chris got his exercise that he's been wanting and has been faithfully riding about 6 miles a day, although he researched it today and realized that he might have to make some additional changes to his life to make the changes to his body he wants.

I am just over feeling overwhelmed. I got hit with a huge wave of it today. It may hit me again later, but for now, it's okay.

Andrew is looking on the remote and identifying the numbers on it. What a smart boy!

Kadee Joy is "working" with a wrench. She's just turning it around and around, and explaining to me what job she is doing. She's so funny.

I'm starting to get random, so I'd better finish. One of these days, I'm going to post a cheesy blog that tells about how wonderful everyone is doing, feeling, etc....What a great day that will be!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

oh my word. seriously, you guys have been through the ringer. praying for you as you hopefully hear more and find the right help/meds for Jeffy.

Summer is a mere 4+ mos away:)

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