Thursday, February 26, 2009


My son Andrew has been amazing me lately. He is making so many gains in social skills, communication skills, even basic self care skills.

His latest funny thing has been that he really likes to help make scrambled eggs. He will go to the kitchen, open up the fridge, take out the egg carton (carefully :)) and bring it to us and say, "Eggs?". Then he walks with us over to the kitchen counter, sets them on the kitchen counter, gets out the mixing bowl, the pan, and the whisk, helps us crack the eggs, mixes the eggs, and dumps them into the pan. Then I turn on the burner, he gets and spatula, and stirs the eggs as they cook. After they're done, he says "Sit down," runs to the table after getting a fork, and waits for me to bring him his plate of eggs. Too cute!

He's also learning how to be a little booger, but in a way that shows us he's picking up on communication. He and his sister can now argue over toys "My toy!" "Le' go!" "No, no, no!" Here you go, sissy."

And then, there's Chris and I's favorite Andrew-ism. If he wants you to lay down next to him when he goes to bed, he waits for you to come in with his blanket, cup, and then, after you've come in, he runs behind you and shuts the door so that you can't get out. He's still very much a snuggler.

He's loving school, and his teacher gave glowing reports about the progress he's made. He still has a long way to go, but transitions have become so much easier, he is counting, he can sing whole songs and has good enough pitch for us to recognize them! He's getting better about Jeffy too, although I'm pretty sure he prefers his Mommy over everyone. He's helping to dress himself, will look at books independently, and is doing fantastically well in his Sunday School class.

All in all, we are very proud of our boy, and so thankful for the many people in his life who lead him closer and closer to a more easier understood way of living.

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